Section 61180403L1-5B
Issue 2, December 2004
CLEI Code: VAIMZ70J_ _
61180403L1-5B 1
Trademarks: Any brand names and product names included in this document are
trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders.
1. General .................................................................... 1
2. Installation............................................................... 2
3. Provisioning ............................................................ 3
4. Test Features ......................................................... 11
5. Maintenance .......................................................... 11
6. Specifications ........................................................ 11
7. Warranty and Customer Service ........................... 11
Figure 1. FXS/DPO..................................................... 1
Figure 2. DIP Switches Detail..................................... 6
Figure 3. FXS/DPO Menu Tree ................................ 10
Table 1. Compliance Codes ........................................ 2
Table 2. Front Panel LEDs and Switch....................... 3
Table 3. Time Slot and Wiring Interconnect............... 4
Table 4. DIP Switches................................................. 5
Table 5. FXS/DPO General Options........................... 7
Table 6. FXS/DPO Mode Options .............................. 8
Table 7. FXS/DPO Tandem Options........................... 9
Table 8. Specifications.............................................. 12
This practice is an installation and maintenance guide
for the ADTRAN
Total Access
1500 Foreign
Exchange Station/Dial Pulse Originate (FXS/DPO)
access module. Figure 1 illustrates the FXS/DPO
(P/N 1180403L1) front panel.
Revision History
This is the second revision of this practice. This release
of the document includes the addition of the NBOC
option and the TO w/SC operating mode precipitated by
Line Interface Unit (LIU) software updates to R36 or
later. Time slot and wiring interconnect information for
the 19-inch and 23-inch Total Access 1500 chassis and
hardware and software provisioning information has
been included. This revision reflects a general
document update and change to the Warranty infor-
Figure 1. FXS/DPO
The FXS/DPO is designed specifically for the Total
Access 1500 chassis and is not used in any other
product. The FXS/DPO provides for a 2-wire analog
interface between a Voice Frequency (VF) transmission
and signaling facility and the Total Access 1500 Pulse
Code Modulation (PCM) backplane. The FXS interface
provides for simultaneous signaling in each direction
for use with 2-wire Off-Premises Station Lines, carrier
extended PBX Trunks, or subscriber line Foreign
Exchanges using ground or loop start signaling systems.
The unit is multifunctional and can be hardware or
software provisioned to operate in any one of the
following modes:
• Loop Start
• Ground Start
• TR08 Single Party (SP)
• TR08 Universal Voice Grade (UVG)
•TR08 Auto
• Private Line Automatic Ringdown (PLAR) D4
Total Access
1500 FXS/DPO Access Module
Installation and Maintenance Practice