
Small/N Small/F Small/SF Medium/N Medium/F Medium/SF
File Size 79KB 141KB 208KB 155KB 294KB 450KB
FC-8M 87 50 35 46 24 16
FC-16M 172 99 70 92 49 32
FC-32M 353 206 143 189 102 67
FC-64M 707 415 288 379 205 135
FC-128M 1,417 831 577 760 412 271
Large/N Large/F Large/SF Movie (160x120) Movie (320x240) Movie (640x480)
File Size 302KB 611KB 957KB 130KB/sec. 380KB/sec. 900KB/sec.
FC-8M 24 11 7 48 sec. 18 sec. 6 sec.
FC-16M 48 24 15 97 sec. 36 sec. 13 sec.
FC-32M 99 49 31 198 sec. 75 sec. 27 sec.
FC-64M 200 100 64 399 sec. 152 sec. 56 sec.
FC-128M 401 200 128 799 sec. 305 sec. 113 sec.
Note: N=Normal
=Fine SF=SuperFine
Storage capacity varies depending on the scene or the subjects. This data is estimated from Canon’s standard shooting conditions.
Figures for Movie Mode represent total capacity ofCompactFlash Card. Individual clips are limited to 4, 10 or 30 seconds.
Compact digital still camera with built-in flash, 3x optical, 2.5x digital, 7.5x combined zoom.
IImmaaggee CCaappttuurree DDeevviiccee::
2.0 M pixel, 1/2.7 inch charge coupled device (CCD).
RReessoolluuttiioonn ((RReeccoorrddiinngg PPiixxeellss))::
640 x 480 pixels (Small), 1,024 x 768 (Medium), 1,600 x 1,200 (Large),
Movie: 640 x 480, 320 x 240 or 160 x 120.
Equivalent to ISO Auto/50/100/200/400.
IImmaaggee QQuuaalliittyy MMooddeess::
Normal, Fine, SuperFine.
FFiillee FFoorrmmaatt::
Design rule for Camera File System, DPOF Version 1.1 (Direct Print Order Format).
IImmaaggee RReeccoorrddiinngg FFoorrmmaatt::
Still Image: JPEG, Movie: AVI.
EXIF 2.2 compliant.
IImmaaggee SSttoorraaggee CCaappaacciittyy::
RReeccoorrddiinngg MMeeddiiaa::
CompactFlash™ (CF) Card, Type I.
SShhoooottiinngg MMooddeess::
Auto, Manual, Stitch Assist, Movie, Photo Effect (Vivid Color, Neutral Color, Low
Sharpening, Sepia, Black & White), Continuous (Approx. 2.5 fps), Self-timer.
PPllaayybbaacckk MMooddeess::
Single, Index (9 thumbnails), Magnification (Approx. 2x to 10x) or Slide Show.
USB, AV Out (Video: NTSC or PAL selectable, Audio: monaural) and CF card slot (complied
with CF Type I standard). Direct connection to Canon Card Photo Printer CP-10 and Card Photo Printer
with Cable DIF-100. Direct connection to S820D Photo Printer with Direct Interface Cable.
5.4-16.2mm f/2.7-f/4.7 zoom lens (equivalent to 35-105mm in 35mm format).
Selectable 3 focusing points (AiAF) or 1 (Center 1-point) with AF lock.
SShhuutttteerr SSppeeeedd::
15-1/1,500 sec. Slow shutter operates with noise reduction.
LLiigghhtt MMeetteerriinngg MMeetthhoodd::
Evaluative metering (linked with focusing point) or Spot metering.
EExxppoossuurree CCoonnttrrooll::
Program AE.
EExxppoossuurree CCoommppeennssaattiioonn::
+/- 2.0 EV in 1/3-step increments.
BBuuiilltt--iinn FFllaasshh::
Operation modes: Auto, Red-Eye Reduction Auto, On, Off, and Slow-Sync.
WWhhiittee BBaallaannccee CCoonnttrrooll::
TTL Auto White Balance, Pre-Set White Balance (Available settings: Daylight,
Cloudy, Tungsten. Fluorescent, or Fluorescent H), and Custom White Balance.
OOppttiiccaall VViieewwffiinnddeerr::
Real-image optical zoom viewfinder, approx. 82% coverage.
LLCCDD MMoonniittoorr::
1.5 inch low temperature polycrystalline silicon TFT color LCD.
PPoowweerr SSoouurrcceess::
Lithium Ion Battery NB-1LH. AC Adapter Kit ACK500 (optional).
3.7 x 2.5 x 1.2 in. / 94.8 x 62.5 x 31.5 mm (without protrusions).
WWeeiigghhtt ((ww//oo bbaatttteerryy aanndd CCFF ccaarrdd))::
8.6 oz. / 245g.
All data are based on Canon’s Standard Test Method. Subject to change without notice. Canon PowerShot and “are you digital yet?” are trademarks ofCanon
Inc. All other products and brand names are registered trademarks, trademarks, or service marks of their respective owners.
0029W724 3/02 ©2002 canon u.s.a., inc. printed in u.s.a.
www.powershot.com / www.usa.canon.com
Canon U.S.A., Inc.
One Canon Plaza, Lake Success, NY 11042, U.S.A.
Canon Canada Inc.
6390 Dixie Road, Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1P7, Canada
Canon Mexicana, S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
Periférico Sur No. 4124, 5º y 6º pisos,
Col. Ex-Rancho de Anzaldo, 01900 México, D.F.
Canon Latin America
703 Waterford Way, Suite 400, Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A.
A. PowerShot S330 Body
B. Wrist Strap WS-110
C. AV Cable AVC-DC100
USB Interface Cable
E. ArcSoft Camera Suite CD-ROM
F. Digital Camera Solution CD-ROM
G. CompactFlash Card FC-8M
H. Lithium Ion Battery NB-1LH
I. Battery Charger CB-2LS
Actual Size