8.3 LEDs
The Access Bank II allows the user, from a remote site, to monitor the signaling state of the Signal
Leads for the various data ports that are provided. If the signal on the Lead is active high, it is shown
in the color blue; otherwise it is not lit. This is useful for diagnosis of the data ports. In addition, the
various LEDs on the front panel are also displayed. This screen auto-updates at a default rate of once
every 5 seconds, which you can change, or turn off, with the slide control.
The Battery State LED indicates the status of the Access Bank II internal battery. When the LED is
on, or Green, the battery is OK, or present. If the battery is dead, or not present, the LED is off, or
CI provided loop-
start supervision
LO LCF 01010101
LC Ringing 11110000
DS0 Alarms DS0 AIS DS0 AIS 00100010
DS0 yellowDS0 yellow 01110111
The following abbreviations are used in this table:
LCF - Loop current feed
RLCF - Reverse loop current feed
LCFO - Loop current feed open
LO - Loop Open
LC - Loop closure
RG - Ring ground
ESF Framing Format