CP-520/520A/520F Service Manual
DTV R&D Europe
4.1.3. PINNING
QFP 128pin Symbol Short Description
1 P1.5/TX Port 1.5 or UART bus
2 P1.4/RX port 1.4 or UART bus
3 P1.2/INT2 port 1.2 or external interrupt 2
4 VSSC3 Ground
5 VDDC3 digital supply to core (1.8V)
6 P2.5/PWM4 port 2.5 or PWM4 output
7 P2.4/PWM3 port 2.4 or PWM3 output
8 VSSC/P digital ground for m-Controller core and periphery
9 P3.3/ADC3 port 3.3 or ADC3 input
10 P3.2/ADC2 port 3.2 or ADC2 input
11 DECV1V8 decoupling 1.8 V supply
12 VDDC1 digital supply to core (+1.8 V)
13 P3.1/ADC1 port 3.1 or ADC1 input
14 P3.0/ADC0 port 3.0 or ADC0 input
15 P2.3/PWM2 port 2.3 or PWM2 output
16 P2.2/PWM1 port 2.2 or PWM1 output
17 P2.1/PWM0 port 2.1 or PWM0 output
18 P2.0/TPWM port 2.0 or Tuning PWM output
19 VDDP(3.3V)
supply to periphery and on-chip voltage regulator (3.3
20 P1.7/SDA port 1.7 or I2C-bus data line
21 P1.6/SCL port 1.6 or I2C-bus clock line
22 P1.3/T1 port 1.3 or Counter/Timer 1 input
23 P0.0/I2SDI1/O port 0.0 or I2S digital input 1 or I2S digital output
24 P0.1/I2SDO1 port 0.1 or I2S digital output 1
25 P0.2/I2SDO2 port 0.2 or I2S digital output 2
26 P0.3/I2SCLK port 0.3 or I2S clock
27 P0.4/I2SWS port 0.4 or I2S word select
28 VSSC2 Ground
29 VDDC2 digital supply to core (1.8 V)
30 P1.1/T0 port 1.1 or Counter/Timer 0 input
31 P1.0/INT1 port 1.0 or external interrupt 1
32 INT0/P0.5
external interrupt 0 or port 0.5 (4 mA current sinking
capability for direct drive of LEDs)
33 VDDadc(1.8) supply voltage video ADC
34 VSSadc ground for on-chip temperature sensor
35 VDDA2(3.3) supply voltage SDAC (3.3 V)
36 VDDA(1.8) analogue supply for audio ADCs (1.8 V)
37 GNDA Ground
38 VREFAD reference voltage for audio ADCs (3.3/2 V)
39 VREFAD_POS positive reference voltage (3.3 V)
40 VREFAD_NEG negative reference voltage (0 V)
41 VDDA1
analog supply for TCG m-Controller and digital supply
TV-processor (+3.3 V)
42 BO Blue output