Cisco BBSM Hotspot 1.0 User Guide
Setting Up BBSM Hotspot
This chapter provides step-by-step procedures for setting up BBSM Hotspot. After you complete the
procedures in this chapter, your BBSM Hotspot server should be fully operational.
The following two chapters, Chapter 3, “Advanced Configuration Options,” and Chapter 4, “System
Operation,”, provide more detailed information and advanced options for configuring and using BBSM
Read the Before You Start section, then follow the step-by-step procedures to set up your BBSM
• Before You Start, page 2-1
• Running the Setup Wizard, page 2-2
• Changing the Default Security Passwords, page 2-23
• Configuring Windows for Multinet, page 2-26
• Configuring DNS Forwarding, page 2-30
• Feature Considerations, page 2-32
Before You Start
This section describes the prerequisites that you need to complete or check before setting up the
software. After running the Setup Wizard in this chapter, you perform all operations from the Dashboard.
Before you configure BBSM, make sure that you complete the following tasks:
• First, read the ReadMeFirst web page, which launches the first time you start your BBSM Hotspot
• Then, read the first chapter to this guide, and the cautions below to avoid costly problems.
• From your BBSM Hotspot server desktop, open the BBSM Hotspot Configuration Requirements
Checklist and complete it to make sure that you have all of the networking information you need to
configure your server.
• Assemble the BBSM Hotspot server using the instructions in the Cisco BBSM Hotspot Hardware
Assembly Guide. For information on obtaining this guide and other Cisco documentation, refer to
the Obtaining Documentation section in the preface to this user guide.
• If you will be using secured (https) pages, obtain and install a Certificate Authority (third-party
SSL). (Refer to Appendix B, “Installing an SSL Certificate.”)