JVC SR-9090U VCR User Manual

To use the commands described in the following pages, prepare the VCR for communications as follows:
Transmit the command “JVC TABLE 1 ON” (F6H) to the VCR. The VCR will return “ACK” (0AH). When the operating mode is turned on,
the VCR is in the “ON” status.
The VCR can now receive any command described in this section. To cancel the communications mode, transmit the command “JVC
1 VCR control commands
Commands (1) through (12) are 1-byte commands. The VCR will return “ACK” (0AH) when the command is received. Confirm that “ACK”
(0AH) has been returned before transmitting the next command.
(1) OPERATE ON (7BH) : VCR operating mode is turned “ON”.
OPERATE OFF (7CH) : VCR operating mode is turned “OFF”.
(2) PLAY (3AH) : Playback
(3) STILL (4FH) : Pause/Still
(4) STOP (3FH) : Stop
(5) FF (ABH) : FF/Forward search in the Play mode.
(6) REW (ACH) : REW/Reverse search in the Play mode.
(7) REV PLAY (4AH) : Reverse playback at normal speed
(8) TIMER ON (60H) : Timer “ON”
TIMER OFF (61H) : Timer “OFF”
(9) OPE LOCK ON (69H) : Operation lock “ON”
OPE LOCK OFF (6AH) : Operation lock “OFF”
(10) EJECT (A3H) : Cassette ejection
VCR returns “ACK”, and then returns CASSETTE OUT (03H) after cassette has been ejected.
(11) F-FIELD STEP (ADH) : Advances the tape by one field when the VCR is in the Still mode and engages the Still mode.
If the VCR is in any other play mode, the Still mode is engaged.
(12) R-FIELD STEP (AEH) : Reverses the tape by one field when the VCR is in the Still mode and engages the Still mode.
If the VCR is in any other play mode, the Still mode is engaged.
(13) REC CHECK (C1H) : Engages REC CHECK. (function is the same as when locally controlled on the VCR.)
Before transmitting either of the following commands ((14) or (15)), first transmit REC/DUB REQUEST (FAH), and confirm that “ACK” (0AH) is
returned by the VCR.
(14) REC (CAH) : Starts recording. The VCR returns “ACK” (0AH).
If the cassette tape’s safety tab [REC TAB] has been removed, NAC (0BH) is returned.
When REC PAUSE (FAH + CBH) is sent in the Record mode, the Record-Pause mode is
When STOP (3FH) is sent in the Record mode, the Stop mode is engaged.
(15) REC PAUSE (CBH) : Engages Record-Pause mode. The VCR returns “ACK” (0AH).
If the cassette tape’s safety tab has been removed, NAC (0BH) is returned.
To re-start recording, transmit REC (FAH+CAH).
To cancel Record-Pause, transmit STOP (3FH). The VCR will enter the Stop mode.
After transmitting commands VISS FWD (16) or VISS REV (17), transmit the appropriate numeric data (1-byte ASCII codes from 30H to 39H)
and the data input command (40H).
ASCII codes “30H – 39H” correspond with the numbers “0 – 9” (ie.: 0: 30H, 1: 31H, ... 9: 39H).
Each byte of numeric data and the data input command should be transmitted separately with “ACK” (0AH) confirmation from the VCR after
each transmission. * Transmit the commands (16) and (17) in the Stop mode.
(16) VISS FWD (B0H) : To advance the tape in the forward search mode to the designated alarm-input point. The alarm
point’s 2-byte numeric data should be input after transmission of this command.
(17) VISS REV (B1H) : To reverse the tape in the reverse search mode to the designated alarm-input point. The alarm
point’s 2-byte numeric data should be input after transmission of this command.
Eg: To search for the 3rd alarm-input point from the current position.
The VCR starts search after returning “ACK”. When the specified point is reached, the VCR returns COMPLETION (01H). If the end or
beginning of the tape is reached before the specified point, the VCR returns NOT TARGET (05H). (Sending either the 30H,30H or 30H,31H
command will cause the VCR to search for the 1st alarm-input point).
9-3 SA-K97U RS-232C Protocol & Commands
This section provides technical data for programmers.
Command description
B0H 33H 40H
0AH 0AH 0AH 01H (or 05H)
Search start