JVC SR-9090U VCR User Manual

1st byte
BIT Status when BIT is “1”.
0 Error Indicates that an illegal command has been received. No further commands will be accepted.
To restore to normal operation, transmit CLEAR ERROR (41H) to the VCR.
1 Not defined Always 0.
2 Not defined Always 0.
3 Cassette out The tape has not been loaded.
4 REC inhibit A tape with no safety tab has been loaded. In this case, no recording commands
will be accepted.
5 Not defined Always 0.
6 Not defined Always 0.
7 Not defined Always 1.
2nd byte
BIT Status when BIT is “1”.
0 Tape End Tape end sensor is detected.
1 Tape Begin Tape begin sensor is detected.
2 Not defined Always 0.
3 Warning VCR malfunction.
4 Not defined Always 0.
5 Not defined Always 0.
6 A EE Mode An externally-input audio signal is being output.
7 V EE Mode An externally-input video signal is being output.
3rd byte
BIT Status when BIT is “1”.
0 Not defined Always 0.
1 Search Mode Search is in progress. (VISS)
2 Repeat Mode Repeat recording is in progress.
3 Not defined Always 0.
4 Repeat VCR’s REPEAT REC menu switch is set to ON.
5 Counter Counter memory is set to ON.
6 Timer REC ON VCR’s TIMER button is set to ON.
7 Not defined Always 0.
4th byte
BIT Status when BIT is “1”.
0 Not defined Always 0.
1 REC Mode VCR is in the Record mode.
2 Eject A cassette is being ejected.
3 Not defined Always 1.
4 Stop Mode VCR is in the Stop mode.
5 REW Mode VCR is in the Rewind mode.
6 FF Mode VCR is in the Fast-Forward mode.
7 PB Mode VCR is in the Play mode.
5th byte
BIT Status when BIT is “1”.
0 Speed Code 0 VCR’s current tape running mode. See below.
1 Speed Code 1 VCR’s current tape running mode. See below.
2 Speed Code 2 VCR’s current tape running mode. See below.
3 Speed Code 3 VCR’s current tape running mode. See below.
4 Shuttle REV Reverse search is in progress.
5 Shuttle FWD Forward search is in progress.
6 Not defined Always 0.
7 Rec-Pause Mode VCR is in the Pause mode.
Contents of 5th byte BIT 0/1/2/3 “Speed Code”
Speed Code 3 2 1 0
BIT 0 0 0 0 Still
0 0 0 1 Timelapse playback
0 1 0 1 Timelapse recording/2H (SP)/6H (EP) playback
1 0 0 0 Search (X7 or X13)
1 0 0 1 Search (X21)
(9) STATUS SENSE (D7H) : The VCR will return current status information in 5 bytes.
* When an error occurs in the VCR and the Warning mode is engaged, the third bit of the second byte sent back with the STATUS
SENSE (D7H) is set to “1”, showing the warning status.
In this case, release the warning via the RS-232C with the CLEAR (56H). To release it on the VCR, turn the [OPERATE] button
off and on again.
(10) ALARM INPUT (06H) : SR-9090U return code
This is returned when an alarm signal is input during recording.