Color Negative Film
5212 / 7212
The big picture and all the fine details.
5212 / 7212
KODAK VISION2 100T Color Negative Film 5212 / 7212
is the sharpest color negative motion picture film.
With excellent flexibility and extremely fine grain,
VISION2 100T Film offers clean and crisp images. And
now, 100T Film also includes superior VFX
capabilities. So you can shoot all your scenes for
digital compositing on the same stock.
The VISION2 Film family is the first line of products
created specifically for both film and digital
postproduction. What's more, all VISION2 Films
provide excellent tone scale and flesh-to-neutral
reproduction. With superior shadow and highlight
detail and very fine grain. VISION2 Films also maintain
neutrality through the full range of exposure. So you
can convey exactly the look you intended all the way
from capture to post.
KODAK VISION2 100T Film. Tell your story from the
beginning to the very last detail.
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