KVH Industries TracVision R5 Satellite TV System User Manual

A Guide to TracVision R5/R4
5.3 Replaceable Parts
TracVision R5/R4 has been designed with durability and low
maintenance in mind. If you experience an operating problem or
otherwise require technical assistance, contact your local
authorized TracVision R5/R4 dealer/distributor first. Have the
antenna unit serial number ready with a list of the trouble
symptoms. If an authorized dealer/distributor is not located
nearby, contact the factory directly at the telephone, facsimile, or
e-mail listings inside the front cover.
Replacement part numbers for units that can be serviced in the
field are listed in Table 5-1. These parts may be obtained from
any KVH authorized dealer/distributor.
Part Name Part Number
Baseplate Assembly (TracVision R5) 02-1245-01*
Baseplate Assembly (TracVision R4) 02-1245-02*
Radome Assembly (TracVision R5) 02-0953-03
Radome Assembly (TracVision R4) 02-0953-05
Data/Power Cable 32-0730-28
RF Cable 32-0417-28
PC Cable 32-0628-06
CPU PCB 02-1043-02
RF PCB 02-1342
Antenna Gyro (TracVision R5 only) 02-1035
Antenna Gyro Gasket (TracVision R5 only) 24-0139
System Fuses 16-0017-3150
LNB (European System) 19-0346
LNB (N. American System) 19-0056
Switchplate 02-1023-01
T Switch
(optional) 01-0245
* Baseplate assembly with single-output LNB
** Baseplate assembly with dual-output LNB
Specify color when ordering
It is recommended that all other technical difficulties be resolved
by r
eturning the T
ision R5/R4 unit to an authorized service
Table 5-1
Field Replaceable Units
Should a fuse ever need to be
replaced, TracVision R5/R4 uses
two 5x20 mm, 3.15-amp, 250-volt
fast-blow fuses.
To help us continually improve the
quality and reliability of our
systems, please return any failed
component to KVH or KVH Europe
(care of the mailing address listed
at the front of this man
ual) after you
e y
our replacement par
The serial number of your
TracVision R5/R4 will be required
during any troubleshooting or
service calls. You will find the
serial number at the front of this