Lenovo 3109 Blu-ray Player User Manual

User Guide
Problem: You need to install or uninstall a program.
Problem resolution:
During installation never abort the install process by powering the system off or
through other drastic means. This can cause system program disorder or even
failure during system initialization.
During the uninstall process, never directly delete the files or folders. This is
harmful to the system, and might cause a system-wide malfunction.
Use the following procedure to properly uninstall programs:
1. Back up all documents and system settings related to the program before
removing it.
2. If the program has its own uninstaller, run it directly to uninstall the program.
3. If the program does not have its own uninstaller, then select Control Panel from
the Start menu.
4. From the Control Panel, choose Programs and Functions.
5. Find the applicable program from the Programs and Functions dialog box and
then select Uninstall/Modify.
6. Perform the instructions displayed to uninstall the software.
3.4 Troubleshooting Problems with Optical Drives and
Hard Disks
Problem: The Optical drive is unable to read a CD/DVD.
Troubleshooting and problem resolution:
1. Check to determine if there is an optical drive icon in the resource manager
of the operating system. If not, restart your computer. If there is still no icon,
contact Lenovo Service. Otherwise, continue with the next step of this
2. Confirm that the CD/DVD has been properly placed in the drive. If not, reload
the CD or DVD. Otherwise, continue with the next step of this procedure.
3. Check the specifications that came with your computer to confirm that this
optical drive is capable of reading this type of CD or DVD.
4. If the CD/DVD cannot be read, replace it with a known good CD/DVD such as
one that was shipped with the computer.
5. If the known good CD cannot be read, visually check the operating side of the
CD/DVD for defects.