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Metrologic Instruments, Inc. | Worldwide Headquarters
90 Coles Road
| Blackwood, NJ 08012-4683 | info@metrologic.com
Telephone 856-228-8100
| Fax 856-228-6673
High-volume scanning of Compact Discs
(CDs) and Digital Video Disks (DVDs)
is a challenge for most laser and imaging
bar code scanners. Metrologic can
deliver the high-performance solution
to scanning media product at top
speeds, including poorly printed and
damaged bar code labels.
High-volume CD/DVD production
requires an integrated Bar Code Reader
(BCR) - sorter solution for peak
throughput. In that environment, each
percentage increase in bar code read
rate translates into substantially reduced
error rates and operator handling. In
some cases, the CD/DVD production
line is so highly automated that
insufficient staffing is available to handle
excessive mis-sorts if they occur.
Consequently, superb read rates are of
primary importance for these systems.
Our iQ
160 camera system delivers
best-in-class performance due to:
· High-resolution imager: 190 or 240 dpi
· Intelligent Omniplanar decode software
· No moving parts
· No-read image capture & remote
diagnostics for quick troubleshooting
The iQ160’s aggressiveness at reading
bar codes is particularly dramatic for
poor quality bar codes on older
products, such as returns. In one case,
read rates that were formerly just 50%
on damaged labels using a competing
laser scanner system jumped to more
than 95% with the iQ160!
The iQ160 is also a boon for sort
system integrators. It has a wider Field
of View (FOV) than most competing
products with similar resolution, so only
one scan head is needed to cover a
given field or belt. Its high read rate
maximizes system throughput. It is
designed to be installed and running in
less than 15 minutes. And its ability to
store tens of thousands of images or
no-reads without an additional storage
component, as well as its remote
diagnostics, greatly shortens the time
it takes to achieve peak performance.
Finally, Metrologic stands by its
customers with unmatched service
and support. Founded in 1968, we’ve
had consistent year-over-year sales
growth in 34 out of 38 years. We’ve
been listed on the NASDAQ since
1994. Many of our customers have
complimented us on our responsiveness
- accelerating deliveries or being able
to directly access our Applications and
Field Support engineers - should the
need arise.
If you are looking to scan CDs/DVDs
for sorting, inventory tracking, shipping
or receiving, give us a call.
Metrologic…We Really Work for You.