Philips TV DVD Combo TV DVD Combo User Manual

To adjust your T_"p_ctum controls, select a
I channel and/bllow the steps shown below:
Press the MENU button on fire remote
k_ display the on-scaeen menu.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN
buttons tutfil rite word PICTURE is
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button t_)
display the PICTURE menu fe,amres.
Press CURSOR UP or DOWN but-
tons _.__l] the Pic_tre features and
high]ight fire conrail yott wish to ad'yast
(Bright_tess, O._]€._r,Pic_ttre, Sharpness,
Tint, Color Temp., DNR, or Contrast +).
Press the CURSOR RIGHT or theCURSOR LEFT buttons m adjust fire
_lecte, d ¢xmtrol or to make _le_ions
tbr the choselt conO'o].
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWNbuttons m select and adjust other
Pic'tttm _,_ntt ¢xmtrols.
$_len finished, press file SYSTEMMENU (OSD) button m remove rite
ltleltU frr.)ltlthe TV's sc'reelt.
BRIGHTNESS: Press the Cursor Right or
Left buttons tut_il darkest parts of fire pic'ttt_
are, as bright as you paperer.
_: Press the Cursor Right or Left
buttons _) add or eliminate e_flor,
P_: Pr¢_ the Cursor Right or I,eR
buttons mtfil ]igh_st parts of file pickle
show g_gx!detail.
SHARPNESS: Press the Cursor Right or
Left buttons _) improve detail in fire pic_mre.
TINT: Press the Cursor Right or Lea _.t-
tons R_obtain natttml skin tones.
COLOR TFA|P: Press the Cursor Right
or Left buttons m sele_ NOR3,LA_L,COOL,
or WARM pic_tre pre_erenoes. (NORMAL
will keep the whites, white,; COOL will make
firewhites, bluish; mtd WARM wi]l make the
whites, reddish.)
DNR: Press the Cursor Right or Left but-
tons m 0ant DNR ON or OFF. D3atamic
Noise Reduction helps k_eliminate '!noise"
ti_rn the picture,.
CONTRAST +: Press the Cursor Right or
LeR bl_ttons m rant C_)nm_st+ ON or OFF.
When ON, fltis c_mtm] will optirniT_ the pic-
ture contrast for improved picture clarity.
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