Philips TV DVD Combo TV DVD Combo User Manual

Zhis portion of the AutoLock r:afeatures
rover program ratings based on the 77,
Industry rating system. This"is known as TV
Rating within AutoLoefi r:a.
After selecting the Autolock _r'lleature and
entering your personal access code, the
AutoLock _r'_options screen appears;
I Scroll the menu using the CURSORUP or DOWN buttons tmtil the words
TV RATING _ce highlighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to
display file TV Ratings (TV-¥; TV-Y7,
TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14, or TV-MA).
When highlighted, the TNr-Yand TX._G
can be tttmed ON (which will allow
blocking) or OFF (which will allow
viewing), of these rated programs.
The ratings of T%'-Y7, T%'-t_, T%'-I4,
TNr-MA can be cxtsmrnized m block V
(violence), FV (Nntasy viNence), S
(sexual situations), L (cotwse lan-
guage), or D (suggestive dialogue).
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN
button to [figh]ight the desired rating.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button
on file remote m tttm file T%r-Yor T%r-
G rating ON or OFF. Or_press the
CURSOR RIGHT bl_ttolt to enter the
sub-menus tot the T%'-Y7, TV-PG, T%'-
14 or TV-MA ratings.
K the TNr-Y7, TX.cPG, T%r-14 or TX.c
MA sub-menu is accessed, press the
button to select one of the options
(Bkx:k All, V, S, L, D, or FV).
To view a program
blocked by file TV
Rating options, enter
your 4 digit access
code. This will dis-
Ratings until file TV
is powered off and
on agaim Then the
blocking options will
be restored.
[_vp_r 0 A
o W-Y _ AI
o W.y_ V
oW_ 8
_-m ;? L
o W-I_ C
o 1V4_1_
L " J
[_v_r 0 A
o W-Y _ AI
o W.y_ V
o W-FG L
W.14 _, C
o Wl,lla
o _qz_ L
o _qz14.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT buttonon rite remote m turn rite option ON or
I TV Ratings and
Rating Sub-Menus
WhenaTV Rating is s_ected lo block,
ALL higher_alings _5]11_¢bDcked also.
TV-Y - (All childretl -- Thisprogram is designed to be appr_pHate¢br all child_n,) Dnsign_l for a veryyoung audience, iucluding cliildrmlages 2-6. This type
of pmgrunmmlg is not expected to fi-ightenyounger cliildw_&
TV-¥7 - (Dimc_d to Otdca"Children --This program is designndtbr chiMmn age 7 and above,) It nlay be,more apprfflwiate 5_3rchildren wilo have acquired file
dexdopment _itls ne_xl to d]stillgdish botwo_nmakc-bolicve aud ruality. Thi_ progamming may blclude mild fantasy midcomic viotence tFV).
TV-G - (C_alc'mlAttdieuce -- Most parems wouldfind thisprogram suitabletbr all ages,) Thi_type ofFrogunnming contains little or no vidence, no stroug
lungu_e and little or nosexual dialogue or _itaafiO_lS.
TV-PG - (Paruntal Guidancz Suggested - This pr_gtam contains material thatparents mayfind unsuilablefor younger chi/dren,)This t_T,eof No_g
contains one or more of the following: some suggestive Nalogue (I3), i;il_lunnt c&arselangunge (-L),some sexual siatatio_ts(S), or nlCd_ato violcalCC(V).
T¥-14 - tParcntsStro.gly Camiotled-- Thisprogram contains some material thatmany"parents would find _.itable for children _er 14 years of age,)Thi_
type of programming contains oue ormere of filefoilowhlg: intensely suggestive dialogtte (D), stroug ooarse language (L), bltealSesensualsituations (S), or
intense violmlcc (V').
T¥-MA - _tature Audience Only - This program is speci&ally designed to be vie_,ed by a&ats and thereforemay &, unsuilable for children under lZ) This
type of programming contaiTlsotle ormere of"filefoilowhlg: crude,illd_nt laTlguage (L), explicit sexual situations (S), or grapltic viNeTlce(V).