DVR-S201 – Using Prassi Software
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Pioneer New Media Technologies, Inc., Product Development & Technical Support (310) 952-2111
The Prassi program bundled with the Pioneer DVR-S201 DVD-Recordable drive, DVD Rep version 2.0,
contains commands to create or burn a DVD disc. Contact Prassi (http://www.prassi.com) to obtain
upgrade version 2.0.367 for supporting Microsoft Windows 2000.
There are two methods for burning a DVD-R disc:
• Transfer or image the data to a hard drive before sending it to the disc
• Burn a disc on the fly (i.e. directly from the source to the disc without testing)
The total data space available on a 4.7GB DVD-R disc is 4.37GB while the total useable space on a
3.95GB disc is 3.68GB. Gigabytes are calculated as one billion bytes in statistical terms.
GB - Common Use GB - Computer Use
1,000,000,000 bytes 1,073,741,824 bytes
Install the Prassi program on to your hard drive before continuing with these instructions. Information
regarding hardware and general usage are included at the end of this bulletin.
Upon opening Prassi DVD Rep, you are presented with the following menu: