These masthead and general-purpose passive products are used for combining or splitting
signals in the VHF/FM, UHF and satellite IF frequency bands with a minimum of insertion
loss. The units are fully-screened and are easy to install, both indoors and outdoors. The use
of F connectors allows their use with a wide range of cable sizes.
n Low in-band insertion loss.
n High rejection of unwanted bands.
n Ideal for both digital and analogue applications.
n Power-pass to the higher or highest frequency band input.
n Robust diecast housings, suitable for outdoor (masthead) and indoor use.
Application examples
proCOM21VU is a two-band passive combiner/splitter (diplexer) for combining or splitting
signals in Band II (VHF/FM) and Bands IV-V (UHF). Typical applications include combining
signals from VHF/FM and UHF antennas onto a single downlead cable Fig. 1 or splitting
a combined feed from a distribution amplifier or system to feed separate outlets Fig. 2. This
unit will pass line-power between the common and UHF ports, allowing a masthead
preamplifier to be used on the UHF antenna if necessary Fig. 3.
proCOM31VUS is a 3-band passive combiner/splitter (triplexer) for combining or splitting
signals in Band II (VHF/FM), Bands IV-V (UHF) and the satellite IF band (SAT). The very high
rejection on the SAT port in the FM and UHF bands allows this unit to be used to combine
the output of a satellite LNB with VHF and UHF terrestrial antennas Fig. 4. High isolation
is required in this application to prevent wideband amplified noise present on the output
of the LNB from degrading the VHF and UHF signals. The proCOM31VUS passes line-power
between the common and SAT ports, allowing LNB power and 22 kHz tone or DiSEqC
controls to function normally.
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Band-Selective Combiner/Splitters
Proception Limited,
177-187 Rutland Road
S3 9PT
United Kingdom
Web: http://www.proception.co.uk/
e-mail: support@proception.co.uk
Performance data given are typical unless otherwise stated. Proception Limited reserves the
right to change product designs and specifications without prior notice.
2-Year Guarantee
This guarantee covers failure of your PROception product resulting from manufacturing
defect within a period of 2 years from the date of supply to the end-user.
This guarantee does not cover damage to the product caused by abuse, tampering, defective
installation or natural causes such as lightning discharge. Repair or attempted repair, other
than by the manufacturer, will render this guarantee void.
This guarantee does not affect a consumers statutory rights.
Fig.1 combining antennas
proOUT12C outlet
1. £ 2.7 dB in band edge region 780 .. 862 MHz
2. £ 5.5 dB in band edge region 950 .. 1100 MHz
3. ³ 23 dB in band edge region 950 .. 1100 MHz
Technical data proCOM family
ssolnoitresnI £ Bd0.1
£ Bd0.1
£ Bd2.1 £ Bd8.1
£ Bd5.2
³ Bd03
³ Bd03 ³ Bd05
dnabFHUninoitalosI ³ Bd03 ³ Bd03 ³ Bd84
dnabTASninoitalosI ³ Bd04 ³ Bd63