Controller Mode
■ If the camera RESPONSE is set to two-way reception (RESPONSE ON), the controller RESPONSE menu must be
set to ON. If the camera RESPONSE is set to one-way reception (RESPONSE OFF), the controller RESPONSE
menu must be set to OFF.If this is not followed, the system may have a configuration conflict.For more information on
the camera RESPONSE settings, direct your inquiries to the installation vendor. If the DIP switch for the camera
connected to the controller is set to two-way reception (RESPONSE ON), this menu can be used to set up the
RESPONSE value for the controller and the number of sub-controllers.
① At the [Controller SETUP 1 ▶] menu, press the ▶▶ button (see p.26).
② Press the 1 button to open the Response Setup screen.
③ Press the 1 button to set the controller RESPONSE setting to ON.The
controller automatically restarts to apply the change.Press the 2 button
to set the controller RESPONSE setting to OFF.The master controller
display shows the setup screen for the number of the connected sub-
④ Press the 1 ~ 4 button to set the number of the desired sub controller.
The controller automatically restarts to apply the changed settings after
entering the number.
- 1: Sets the number of sub-controllers to 4 including the master controller.
- 2: Sets the number of sub-controllers to 8 including the master controller.
- 3: Sets the number of sub-controllers to 12 including the master controller.
- 4: Sets the number of sub-controllers to 16 including the master controller.
▤ Set the maximum number of sub-controllers, to shorten the sub
controller data loading time by making the master controller
memorize the number of sub-controllers.
▤ If Response is set as ON, a maximum of 12 sub-controllers only can be selected.
1:ON 2:OFF
1:MAX-4 2:MAX-8
3:MAX-12 4:MAX-16