February 8, 2006
Dear Valued Sony Customer:
Our records indicate that you recently purchased a
KDLV26/32/40XBR1 (Bravia) Flat Panel or a
KDFE42/50A10 (Grand Wega) Rear Projection LCD television. We have recently learned that a
limited number of these televisions manufactured through November 2005 temporarily may not,
after a long period of time depending upon usage, turn either on or off due to a software issue.
This condition is easily resolved with a simple software upgrade provided by Sony at no charge.
To confirm if your unit may be affected, please go to www.updatemytv.com and input your
television’s model and serial number. The television model number, serial number and
manufactured date can be found on the back of your television (sample labels shown below).
Bravia LCD TV (Sample) Grand Wega Rear Projection TV (Sample)
The website will verify if your unit is affected and provide you with information on how to obtain
the free software upgrade. If you do not have web access, please contact Sony Customer Service
toll-free at 1-866-210-6333. Please have your model and 7-digit serial number available.
Not all Sony televisions are affected. No safety issues exist with your TV. If you have already
experienced this software issue, the television can be temporarily reset by disconnecting the AC
Power Cord from the wall outlet, wait at least 30 seconds and then reconnect the AC power cord
to the wall outlet. After this reset procedure, the television should work properly until another
several months of use has accumulated.
Sony is providing this software update at no charge to owners of affected televisions through
March 1, 2008. Terms of Sony’s limited warranty otherwise continue to apply. We apologize for
any inconvenience this may have caused you and will continue to provide superior customer
service for your Sony television.
Best Regards,
Sony Electronics Inc.