Document Number 61746-000
APG001Z Interface Card Option
This document is an addendum to the APOGEE® FLN Option Unit Instruction Manual #E6581541.
Because the VF-PS1 is built on
the same platform as the Q9 ASD, it is recommended that this document
to be used in conjunction with the Tosh
iba Q9 ASD Installation and Operation Manual (P/N 59445).
The Q9 ASD Installation and Opera
tion Manual may be acquired from the To sh ib a. co m/i nd web site
(click Drives\Q9 LV Variable Torque HVAC\Manuals).
For safety and application-specific reasons, some ASD installations will warrant that the operator not be
in th
e vicinity during ASD
operation or that the ASD control be executed remotely. The APG001Z
interface card is an optional circuit board that is mounted internal to the ASD and is used to facilitate
communication with the host via the Floor Level Network (FLN) protocol.
Using the A
PG001Z interface card
the Q9 ASD may be monitored and controlled remotely. The
APG001Z interface card has a built-in FLN communication driver and point database which allows the
Q9 ASD to communicate over the APOGEE
network with other FLN devices.
The APG001Z is simple
to install and is ideally suited for use in fan and pump control applications, and in
similar equipment.
Installation/Operation Precautions
Install the Q9 ASD securely in a well ventilated area that is out of direct sunlight. The control interface
ambient operating temperature is 14° – 104° F (-10° – 40° C).
Installation instructions for the AP
G001Z interfa
ce card is described in the APOGEE® FLN Instruction
Manual #E6581541
• Installation is to be performed by Qualified Pe
rsonnel only as defined in the Q9 ASD Installation
and Operation Manual.
• Setup parameters require that the Direct Access function be used to access the setup parameters and
t the Unknown Num
bers feature of the ASD be set to Enabled.
• Ensure that the Q9 ASD mounting loc
ation is easily accessible by the user.
• Avoid installation in areas where vibration, heat, humidity, dust, metal particles, or high levels of
electrical n
oise (EMI) are present.
• Do not install the system where it may be exposed to flammable chemicals or gasses, water, solvents,
or other fluids.
• Turn the power
on to the Q9 ASD only after s
ecuring the APG001Z and the ASD front cover.
Contact Information
Toshiba’s Customer Support Center can be contacted to obtain help in resolving any Adjustable Speed
Drive system problem that you may experience or to provide application information.
The center is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST), Monday through Friday. The Support Center’s toll free
ber is US
(800) 231-1412/Fax (713) 937-9349 — Canada (800) 527-1204.
You may also contact Toshiba by writing to:
Toshiba International Corporation
13131 West Little York Road
Houston, Texas 77041-9990
Attn: ASD Product Manager.