Condensing High
Efficiency Gas Boiler
Ratings - (5 sizes)
80 MBH
105 MBH
155 MBH
230 MBH
310 MBH
All with 20-100%
Innovative combination of appearance, intelligence
and technology.
High Efficiency
Over 92% AFUE and up to 98% for low temperature
The Ultra boiler features a new attractive design for
installation in any setting.
Features PhD Technology - an intelligent system
that delivers Precision Hydronic heating and
hot water needs while maximizing efciency by
measuring and responding to the Data parameters
of your heating system.
High Technology
Cast mono block aluminum heat exchanger. Gas
valve, blower and venturi technology that constantly
maintains optimal air and fuel ratio at all ring
Condensing High Efficiency
Gas Boiler
20-100% Modulation
Factory Tested
Limited 15 Year Heat Exchange Warranty
Homeowner Protection Plan with
•5 years Parts and Labor
Cast Aluminum Block
30 PSI ASME Relief Valve
Drain Valve
Stainless Steel Burner (80, 105 & 310)
with woven steel ber mesh
(155 & 230)
Direct Spark Ignition
Variable Speed Blower Assembly
Gas/Air Ratio Venturi with Air Silencer
Negative Pressure Regulation Gas Valve
50 VA Transformer
Combination T&P Gauge
Outlet Water Temperature Sensor
Return Water Temperature Sensor
Flue Gas Temperature Sensor
Outdoor Temperature Sensor
12 AMP 110 V Circ. Relay (310 only)
Control Module with
•Digital Display & Data Port
•Ignition Control
•High Limit & Modulating Temp Control
•Low Water Protection
•Outdoor Reset
•DHW Priority
•Two Pump Controls
(Heating & DHW)
Taco Boiler Circulators:
•1” anges (80 & 105) Taco 007
•1” & 1-1/4” anges (155, 230 & 310)
Taco 0011
Complete Jacket Assembly with
Fully Removable Front Jacket Cover
Adjustable Boiler Legs
Sidewall Vent/Air Termination Kit
Line & Low Voltage
Pre-wired Terminal Strips
On/Off Power Switch
Line Voltage Service Receptacle
Condensate Trap
with Drain Tee Assembly
Propane Conversion Orice
(All except Model 80)
boilers are low NOx Certied by the
South Coast Air Quality Management District
(Rule 1146.2) in California.
1 Supply Connection
2 Return Connection
3 Low Voltage Wire Opening
4 Electrical Entrance Openings
5 Vent Connection
6 Air Connection
7 Gas Connection
80 105 155 230 310
Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
-Natural Gas eld convertible to LP as standard equip. except 80
Natural Gas
383-500-400 383-500-402 383-500-403 383-500-404 383-500-405
Propane Gas
383-500-401 NA
Taco Pump
007 0011
Wall Mounting Kit 389-900-180 NA
Alarm Control Kit 383-500-080
Indirect-Fired Water Heaters Matching Ultra PLUS 40, 60 and 80 Water Heaters Available
CSA Input (Maximum) 80 MBH 105 MBH 155 MBH 230 MBH 310 MBH
CSA Input (Minimum) 16 MBH 21 MBH 31 MBH 46 MBH 62 MBH
DOE Heating Cap. 71 MBH 94 MBH 139 MBH 207 MBH *289 MBH
Net I=B=R 62 MBH 81 MBH 123 MBH 183 MBH 252 MBH
DOE AFUE 93.0% 92.0% 93.0% 92.8% *93.3%
Weil-McLain Low Temp
98.1% 98.0% 95.6%
Seasonal Efciency
Boiler return water temp=90°F and boiler outlet water temp=110°F
*Note: 310 ratings are gross output and combustion efciency.
Vent Size / Material
3 or 4 in.
4 in.
Combustion Air Size 3 in. 3 or 4 in. 4 in.
Water Volume .95 Gal. 1.07 Gal. 1.17 Gal. 1.57 Gal. 2.1 Gal.
Approx. Ship. Weight 149 lbs. 154 lbs. 193 lbs. 204 lbs. 254 lbs.
Supply Tapping 1” 1-1/4”
Return Tapping 1” 1-1/4”
Gas Connection Size 1/2” 3/4”
Crate Dimensions
53-1/2”L x 27”W x 23-1/2”H
©2004 Weil-McLain Weil-McLain Ultra Boiler Patents Pending Form No. C-995R4(0504)
Locate our Sales Ofces by visiting our website:
500 Blaine Street
Michigan City, IN 46360-2388
In the interest of continual improvements in product and performance, Weil-McLain reserves the right to change specications without notice.