exact same problem. I plug it in and the light turns red, then I turn it on and the light turns green and makes "the click noise" but the screen is black. The person I got it from said that it has been sitting in storage for a few months....

Asked by stephanie on 05/22/2009 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 7 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 If this TV is a Samsung PDP4290X, then it has a D53A(N) chassis. FWIW, here is a multipart service manual for the D53A(P) chassis: http://www.eserviceinfo.com/downloadsm/14347/Samsung_PS42P2SDX/XEC.html Here are parts for the Samsung PDP4290X: http://bestbuy.partsearch.com/Model/Samsung/Samsung/PDP4290X.aspx
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0 This looks like a parts list for the Samsung D53A chassis: http://bestbuy.partsearch.com/Model/Samsung/Samsung/D53A.aspx
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