Shutting off The TV comes on for a second and then flips right back to stand by mode

Asked by deborah on 09/28/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 3 months ago

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5 I found that this model has an inherent problem. if you hit power button you see the screen light for a second then no picture... the inverter PCB transformers go bad, they open up and are not avaialble ANYWHERE> replace all 6 of them pn-LTZ2PC0mS008. good luck
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5 I found that this model has an inherent problem. if you hit power button you see the screen light for a second then no picture... the inverter PCB transformers go bad, they open up and are not avaialble ANYWHERE> replace all 6 of them pn-LTZ2PC0mS008. good luck
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