the lamp sensor lights keeps flashing off and on. Nothing comes my picture or sound just power and lamp senor light keeps flashing. Does this mean my bulb needs to be replaced? If so, can I replace it myself or do I need to have a repairman come to my home? I do not have the EX kept it!!

Asked by Charlotte on 10/06/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 3 months ago

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0 You can just buy the bulb and replace it yourself, sure! I did this already once, and am up for it again now. Here is the bulb: Here is what Gateway wants you to buy: Just buy the bulb online or on ebay- carefully follow the instructions to switch that and you are good to go. Just dont touch the bulb. the oils from your hands are a problem for these things! Good luck! Ken
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