Trying to find the 4 digit roku code from the GE universal remote model 11695. Please help. Thanks

Asked by kelvin on 11/20/2014 50  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 10 years, 1 month ago

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0 I use the 4355 and go the Roku to pause and play once.  After the initial response, it would not respond again.  The GE remote works everything else so at least I am down to only 2 remotes, but I am still disappointed.    Per other websites most remotes are not compatible with Roku.
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0 I need the code for my insignia hdtv
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-2 Thank you very much Josh!!! Work great on GE 24922-cl3 to work on a ROKU 2 XD
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-4 How did you enter the code could not get my Roku to respond?
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