We have had this remote for awhile. At random the remote will "beep" and continue beeping until we click it "on" and "off". Then awhile later it will do its beeping again and we go through the whole procedure again to get it to stop. What's this mean? What is the PERMANENT fix? It wakes us up at different hours of the night. . . .

Asked by Sherry Sangster on 01/10/2011 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years, 12 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 I found the answer to the beeping in the User Manual. The receiver will beep on a non-stop cycle until it can identify the remote control. You must keep the remote within range of the receiver or send it a signal when it beeps. See the following section in the manual: Should the receiver NOT receive a transmitter signal every 15 minutes (COMMUNICATION-SAFETY feature), the RECEIVER will begin a 2 HOUR (120 minute) countdown timing function. If during this 2 hour period, the receiver does not receive a signal from the transmitter, the RECEIVER will shut down the fireplace being controlled by the receiver. The RECEIVER will then emit a series of rapid “beeps”. Then, after 10 rapid “beeps”, the RECEIVER will continue to emit a single “beep” every 4 seconds until a transmitter signal is again received. The intermittent 4 seconds beeping will go on indefinitely until reset.
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0 Have you received an answer to this question? It is very frustrating and I cannpt figure out what to do to make it stop!
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