I purchased this 32" HD LCD TV two weeks ago. The remote worked fine but now the remote works everything but changing the channel with the up and down arrows.

Asked by Lucy on 02/27/2009 3  Answers

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0 I thought it was a remote problem and purchased a new remote and the same thing happened. I now know that the channels will not change at all with the buttons on the tv itself.
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0 well i will sign up to this rinky dink forum just to reply......A few weeks ago i bought this tv from HSN a few weeks ago and oddly my channel change ability just quit.......and ALSO it refused to turn a few times on a few occassions till I unplugged it a sec....... I thought something was funny bout how cheap this was..........
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0 update update run the channel scan again from the menu and it will allow channel change to work again..........turns out my cable company added some digital channels (its a backwoods company) and it must have freaked the tv out and it shut down using channel change till you do the menu scan again.............try that p.s. that menu scan is notorious for locking these tvs have a WEAK WEAK chipset thats this tvs biggest weaknest..........i expect pc's to lock up NOT tv's
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