my insignia tv says "lock" and none of the buttons on the remote are working except on/off. i don't have the original remote. how do I unlock my tv?

Asked by Michelle on 03/21/2009 22  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 9 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
6 i need to get it unlock
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6 1. Locate second power switch on back hidden below curve, left side if facing front of TV. 2. Turn TV on using this power switch while holding in MENU button on right side of TV. 3. This is reset the Lock feature!! Eureka! Finally ...
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3 So, For anybody who doesn't know yet, you do not need the factory remote to restore button functions to your Insignia IS-LCDTV26. All you need to do is program a universal remote that can power on and off the TV, then press the "MUTE" Button 10 times successively and Voila! Unlocked, you should see the status appear in the corner of the tv if everything worked, if not try another tv code or try the manual search function on the remote to find another compatible code set.
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2 Insignia will tell you that you MUST have original remote to unlock. You press and hold Display button for 5 or 10 seconds. My problem is Best Buy tried to repair mine 3 times and one of those times replaced a board inside and original remote will note work and they will make no attempt to help me figure out what is inside. Mine has been locked for over a year. Locked by accident with universal remove.
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0 have tried all of the above to no avail. My TV also has a cable remote that was programmed tot the TV. I am sure the Tv will not turn on because of the connection to the cable. I am wondering if it is a cable problem.....they say no....
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0 will I need help with this tv please
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0 thanks zialyn
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0 thanks zialynn
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