We haveput a meter on every part on the master board and everything registers it is working except for a diode. This diode is loose. Here is the product info.Please help. magnavox VCR?DVD combo. model MWD2206. Diode # IEC60384-4II , 55/100/56x2, 250~volt.

Asked by Dee Dee on 04/27/2009 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 9 months ago

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0 I assume you are using the VCR as a tuner box for the TV. If you have a loose Diode on the board it is either broken or has cold solder joints. You can get cold solder joints from a part over heating and cooling many times. The solder will pull away from the bus wires on the part to the trace on the board. If this is the case, just re-flow solder on these joints. If the diode is broken, then depending on what purpose it served in the system, then there is or was a bigger problem. If it's in the power supply circuit, then it might have been from a power spike. If it is broken then you need to get another one or two at a electronic parts store if you have one near you. If it does it again with a new diode then there is a bigger problem in the system that can't be walked through here. It will have to be (Gulp) sent out for repair.
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