When I installed my converter box I completely lost Chl 14(PBS) and 27(ABC) which I watched. When I type in these channels , it says 'no signal' but without the box I have a good picture. Why do I loose these?

Asked by Bill on 11/25/2008 6  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 I Solved The Problem By Adding A Small 10db Gain Amplifier. I Catch More Channels Than Ever Before. Thanks !
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5 I Solved The Problem By Adding A Small 10db Gain Amplifier. I Catch More Channels Than Ever Before. Thanks !
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3 Turns out that if you lose channels after installing your converter it means your rooftop antenna is probably not able to pick up the digital signals and needs to be replaced. A lot of people are probably going to be having this problem. Unfortunately this isn't being mentioned when the consumer is being told they need to buy the converters and there is no rebate program available for a new antenna. Expect to pay between $100 and $150 for the new antenna.
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2 Before installing the box I recieved about 10 to 12 channels but after installing the box and doing the autoscan I now receieve only 2 channels. The pixels also freeze up on one of remaining channels I receive.
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0 I forgot to include this link which might be useful
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