How to change from tv to cable tuninng

Asked by rich on 03/25/2008 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 9 months ago

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0 I have the same problem..... with the "basic" 13 channels. Did you found the cure?
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0 OK...... I found it. To Switch the input from TV to cable, first, push the "TUNING ON-OFF" button with a pencil. You will see a "0" on the lower line on the LCD's (instead of the Time). Then push the "TV-CATV" Button and you will see a Dot beside the chanel number, meaning you are on Cable input. Push again the "Tuning On-Off" Button and the clock will come back and you're done. Voilà!
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0 onlymac thank you, seems easy but not very intuitive without instructions. I was pushing but did not look for the dot. Thanks again
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