Can you help me please? I have approximately 170 E180 and E240 tapes, the most of them have been recorded on LP. All the recodings were carried out on two Mitsibushi HS-B30 and HS-B31 Recorders over about 10 -14 years. Regretably, both recorders are faulty, with mechanical problems and spares are no longer available so am unable to play back my tapes!! I have tried two of my friends later VCRs but they will not track on LP (OK on SP)--showing tracking lines, etc. on screen, even though the reaspective tracking controls are adjusted. It is the same on another one with Auto Tracking. The tapes always played back OK on the two Mitsibushis.All I want is a VHS VTR that will PLAY BACK my old tapes "viewabally"! Hoping you can suggest something.

Asked by thomas on 10/18/2008 0  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 2 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here

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