my DVP3100V plays DVDs ok, but when i want to play a Divx movie from a CD or a DVD, it will show subtitles, however certain characters are not shown correctly. I'm using slovenian subtitles in .srt format and i set the language and country code for slovenia (SI), but it still won't show slovenian characters in subtitles. Is there a special syntax i have to use in the subtitle name when i burn it on the disk? If so, would you be so kind and explain it to me (there are no indications about it in the manual)? Do i need to upgrade the firmware? I do have the firmware on a CD but i did'nt install it since i'm not sure whether the problem is related to firmware or not. Please, help me with this one, i'm simply out of ideas... thx, Sasa

Asked by sasa on 06/07/2008 0  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 7 months ago

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