i have a movie in my computer that i want to watch in my philips dvd-vcr 3150v-37 1-i have a movie in "XVID" format 2- i convert the "XVID" file with avi dvix to dvd it now gives me a "vob" file 3-i now have two files in the "vob" : video ts and audio ts 4- when i open both files , i see that the video file has 3 vlc files but that the audio file is empty 5-i now have to import the video ts and audio ts in the "power producer program" to burn it onto the dvd disk but it can only take one file not two! so i load the video ts files is there a way to put those files (video and audio ts) together ? 6-so when i burn the video ts files onto the disk its gives me a message of a "successful process" but when a try to read it in the dvd it doesn't have any sound the dvd-cd burner installed on the computer is a: HL-DT-ST DVD-RAM GSA-H55N

Asked by miko on 08/24/2008 0  Answer

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