will not turn on, get the orange light, but no blue light, owned it for a WEEK!

Asked by Neil on 08/25/2008 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 4 months ago

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0 I've done a bit of research with this - and as far as I can determine (I'm not an electrical engineer) it's the capacitor that fails on the power supply board. The component is marked 1500uf10v. There will be a tell-tale bulge in the cap (should be flat on top). These tvs are assembled in China - and to be honest are a waste of money. The parts just aren't up to the job - the web is full of Polaroid TVs that won't power up, and we're not talking a few years. Most are just past the 12 month warranty or even less. Shocking. Part should be available from Maplin or similar for a few pounds. Install at your own risk.
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