I am trying to find program codes and a remote control for my Proview PD46AG1

Asked by Rochelle on 01/24/2014 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 11 years ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 1) THis is a replacement with universal options for other things in your home ie.stereo. vcr, dvd player, etv.. http://www.ebay.com/itm/PROVIEW-LCD-TV-REMOTE-CONTROL-/231125843338?_trksid=p2054897.l4275 Hi Here is the link for all Codes, You may check if your LCD TV is in the list http://www.remotecodelist.com/remotes/ge/RM24912_codes.pdf 2) These are the setup codes for Proview brand TVs with GE/and others universal remote. Check these codes first. 1025 1026 3) Emerson Remote code 10835 4) magnavox remote "0178" and "0030 5) http://www.amazon.com/PROVIEW-Replacement-Control-PA32JK1A-PA32JK1SA/dp/B009D5PRP6
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4 went to the Directv.com and searched remotes and then went to support and put in type of t.v. and it gave me the code for their universal remote and it worked. If you don't subscribe to Directv then you can try doing the same with the company you do have service with. You can always look up the make and model of the remote and follow the instructions to manually search for the t.v codes
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