Have a refurb unit. Had to take it to a local RCA repair shop and they fixed it. Recently the hard drive failed and, since it is a refurb, the repair company said they couldn't do anything for me-they could not get hds from their supplier. Tried another brand/drive. drive starts up, but the unit only says "Hello". Any thoughts?

Asked by Joe on 09/03/2008 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 3 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 After the "hello" message appears on the drv, press the menu key on the remote and go to installation. If that does not work, press the power key on the remote and then press the menu key on the remote again. The power button on the unit itself does not always do what it should, but the remote does.
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0 when replacing the hdd be sure to set the jumper pin on the drive to slave. To reformatt the drive press the play button and open/close at the same time the word formatt appears be sure the display is showing the time first
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0 What size drive, and what drive interface, can be used for a replacement in a DRC8030N?
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0 Recently I also got the "Hello" message and nothing else on my unit, while I was recording to a disc. It turned out that some of the power supply parts failed, which I had repaired by a local shop. Fortunately, my disc and hard drive recordings were not affected!
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