This seems to be a common problem with this particular model. I see there are already 2 other request without any response back as of yet. I replaced the blown fuse but of course; whatever the problem is, it is blowing the fuse. It would be nice to get a response back asap, as to what is the problem part. Thanks, JC

Asked by James on 07/29/2008 2  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 16 years, 5 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 I had the exact same issue . The TV literally stopped working 2 year after the manufacture date. Since I had nothing to loose I opened it up and found that the fuse had blown. I put a new one in and if blew also. I work with some electrical engineers and they said first to look at the Diodes. They lent me their diode checker, and the first diode I checked was bad. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures but it was one of the diodes closest to the where the power cord connects to the board. I took the board out and brought it to work and had the electrical guys pull the diode. I got a replacement diode, (.20 cents or so) and had them solder it back in. The Diode number is IN540, you can buy these online, DIGIKEY.COM is one place too look. I took it home put everything back together, including a new fuse and BOOM it fired right up. I did this about 2 weeks ago and it is still going strong, I should probably knock on wood right about now. If you have an questions please feel free to ask. I am not a TV repair guy, just someone who got lucky. Good luck!
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