My Technika tv will not save channels it has tuned into. I use the auto tuning facility and it locates say 100 channels and I can access these easily. However, if I turn the tv off and then back on again, the tuned channels are no longer there, it seems the tv has not saved the tuning for each channel.

Asked by Brian Thomas on 06/16/2011 10  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years, 6 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
6 great advice worked a treat thank very much
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5 I was going to buy a new TV as I had the same problem. Fantastic thanks for this tip
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4 go to LCD menu and then to settings and scroll to general settings(last one). scroll down to first installation. press OK and let TV retune. you should find that TV is back to keeping stations.
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3 Absolutely brilliant thought it was a fault that could not be repaired!! Thanks
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0 can some please tell me how to find lcd menu on my technika 24-621 tv so 9i can use this fix
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