my flat screen tv is black I have sound no picture

Asked by beverly on 12/01/2015 1  Answer

ManualsOnline posted an answer 9 years ago

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0 My TV went black yesterday.  No warning to indicate a problem  All I heard was a POP and it would not go back on. Is there a fuse on this or a circuit breaker?  It is not my cable connection.  And this manual doesn't help with the question  My flat screen tv is black I have sound no picture...The TV I have in my bedroom works just fine.  This is a relatively NEW TV.  I bought it a few months ago from my landlord when he bought a bigger one for his bedroom. And he didn't use it very much when he had it.   So no the answer in the manual does not help.  I know I will never buy another one either almost brand new still in its box or brand new never used at all.
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