Does anyone know how to fix the above model if the dvd function had ceased to work and registers "no disc" when one is loaded? I have tried a cleaning disc to no avail. It is less than a year old.

Asked by Nicole on 08/23/2009 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 4 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
2 Likewise! Perhaps there is a fundamental issue here that Wharfedale should comment on. My TV/DVD combi is exactly 13 months old and the DVD has also ceased to work. It makes a noise when the DVD is entered but eventually reports "No Disc". Wharfedale - is there a fundamental issue here that you should be trying to rectify.
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0 i have the same problem i put adisk in and it just says lodeding over and over again
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0 my dvd is fine, but I've lost the digital freeview, I get no picture or sound whatsoever, any help/advice appreciated!!!
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0 Have the same problem - only used the DVD occasionally but now it just states "no disk" whichever way the disk is inserted. Haven't Wharfedale replied yet?
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0 Same thing happened a while ago. Decided today to have a look myself. Disconnected everything including the power. Opened it up. Disconnected 2 connectors one for the power button and the other for the volume and channel buttons. Took out the screen by disconnecting 4 connectors but left the main wire connected. Then took out a circuit board but left it connected. To get to the DVD player. Then took out the DVD player had to disconnect 2 connectors and a few screws. Once out I disconnected and reconnected every connector one after the other. Then put everything back the way it was. Put in my wife's favorite DVD Bridget Jones's and to my amazement it worked.
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