
5.2 Directory Settings
Working Directory
Here you can change the directory used for
saved files. Either type in the path, or click
“Browse”, go to the folder you want, and click OK.
Capture Size Setting
When checked, this will split recorded files into
parts at the size entered as the File split size.
This is useful if you want to save long recordings
in more manageable files. For example, setting
the file split size to 650 MB would make the files
easy to burn to CDs.
Snapshot picture format lets you choose whether you want to save snapshots as
BMP or JPG files.
Always on top
You can also choose to always have the MVP window on top of other applications by
checking “Always on top”.
Full Screen Setting
This allows you to choose whether to display video in its original aspect ratio or
stretched to fit your screen when watching TV in full screen mode.