Location Mnemonic Type Description
49 TXGND Ground TXAVDD Ground
50 TX0- HDMI Output Differential Output Channel 0
Complement. Differential output of the red
data at 10× the pixel clock rate; supports
TMDS logic level.
51 TX0+ HDMI Output Differential Output Channel 0 True.
Differential output of the red data at 10×
the pixel clock rate; supports TMDS logic
52 TXGND Ground TXAVDD Ground
53 TX1- HDMI Output Differential Output Channel 1
Complement. Differential output of the red
data at 10× the pixel clock rate; supports
TMDS logic level.
54 TX1+ HDMI Output Differential Output Channel 1 True.
Differential output of the red data at 10×
the pixel clock rate; supports TMDS logic
55 TXAVDD Power 1.8V power supply for TMDS outputs
56 TX2- HDMI Output Differential Output Channel 2
Complement. Differential output of the red
data at 10× the pixel clock rate; supports
TMDS logic level.
57 TX2+ HDMI Output Differential Output Channel 2 True.
Differential output of the red data at 10×
the pixel clock rate; supports TMDS logic
58 TXGND Ground TXAVDD Ground
59 CEC Digital I/O Consumer electronic control channel.
60 DGND Ground Ground for DVDD
61 DVDD Power Digital supply voltage (1.8 V)
62 ALSB Digital Input This pin is used to set I2C address of the Rx
IO and the Tx Main Map.
63 CSB Digital Input Chip Select pin. This pin must be set low or
left floating for the chip to process I2C
messages that are destined to the
ADV7622. The ADV7622 ignores I2C
messages which he receives if this pin is
64 EP_SCK Digital Output SPI clock interface for the EDID
65 EP_CS Digital Output SPI chip selected interface for the EDID
66 EP_MOSI Digital Output SPI master out/slave in for the EDID
67 EP_MISO Digital Input SPI master in/slave out for the EDID
68 MCLK_IN Digital Input Audio Reference Clock. 128 × N × fs with