© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. all rights reserved
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn GGuuiiddee
1. This unit should be installed by an authorized Directed dealer.
2. This product is designed to operate with a 12V DC, negative ground battery system.
3. Disconnect the ground wire from the battery terminal prior to connecting the unit to the electri-
cal system.
4. The wiring from some other products or accessories might bear similar color code as this product;
however, they might be of other function. Please refer to the electrical connection diagrams of
this product prior to installing to avoid improper connection.
5. Use proper connectors and insulation to prevent electrical damage to the unit.
6. Do not connect the yellow wire and red wire together of this product directly to the +12V. Connect
the red wire of this product to the ACC of the ignition key switch and yellow wire to +12V. Failure
to do so may result in permanent drainage of the battery charge.
7. Only supplied accessories should be used to avoid damage to the unit during installation.
8. Ensure that the display monitor is suitably installed at a location, such that it will not obstruct
the rear view mirror and/or the air condition vents.
9. Do not install this unit at a declining angle exceeding 30 degrees.
10. Do not install screws over the plane surface, which may affect monitor eject or retract function.
PPoowweerr CCaabbllee ((44--ppiinn,, oonnee ppiinn nnoott uusseedd))
CCoolloorr CCooddee FFuunnccttiioonn
Black This wire is the ground source for the monitor and DVD.
Accessory +12V switched power source for the monitor and DVD. This
wire supplies the main power to the system.
Constant +12V power. This wire supplies power to the DVD for last
position memory.
Connect to parking brake switch or connect to ground. This wire must
be connected if the driver can view the screen while driving.