DIRECTV Set-top box information for the installer
DIRECTV Proprietary November 17, 2005
Version 1.1.a Page 13 of 49 DTV-MD-0058
4 Data Port Commands
4.1 Summary of Useful Data Port Commands
Command Label Description
0x81 Standby
Put STB in Standby
0x82 Active Turn STB on
0x83 GetPrimaryStatus Status information on current channel
0x87 GetCurrentChannel Get the major and minor numbers for the tuned
0x90 GetSignalQuality Signal level for the tuned channel
0x91 GetCurrentTime Current time in UTC
0x92 GetUserCommand Get the remote or front panel command input by
the user
0x93 EnableUserEntry Allows direct control of the STB by the remote or
front panel buttons
0x94 DisableUserEntry Disables direct control of the STB by the remote
or front panel buttons
0x95 GetReturnValue Returns the last Return Value issued by a data port
0x96 Reboot Commands a reboot
0xA5 SendUserCommand Send remote control commands through the data
0xA6 OpenUserChannel Tune to a channel by inputting a channel number
4.2 Default Data Rate and Format
The majority of STBs have a default data rate of 9600. The data format is 1 start bit, 8 data bits,
no parity, 1 stop bit, and no handshaking.
This command holds its value after a warm start. Other commands are terminated.