
Congure and ver
ify the host
Verifying conguration settings
Verify that all paths to the storage system are present with cfgadm -al command. To display the LUNs
congured to each path, execute cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev asshownintheexamplebelow.
The following examples are with 4 paths (ports) visible from the array on the host and with 2 LUNs
congured on the array for the host. You should normally see 4 paths with EVA3000/ EVA5000/
EVA4000/ EVA6000, however you might also see up to 8 paths with EVA8000.
1. Enter the cfgadm com ma nd to verify the paths to the LUNs (note that you need to have
congured LUNs on the array for the host in order to see the “ disk” lines):
Example: # cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c2 fc-fabric connected unconfigured unknown
c2::50001fe1002709f8,0 array-ctrl connected unconfigured unknown
c2::50001fe1002709f8,1 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c2::50001fe1002709f8,2 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c2::50001fe1002709fc,0 array-ctrl connected unconfigured unknown
c2::50001fe1002709fc,1 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c2::50001fe1002709fc,2 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c3 c-fabric connected unconfigured unknown
c3::50001fe1002709f9,0 array-ctrl connected unconfigured unknown
c3::50001fe1002709f9,1 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c3::50001fe1002709f9,2 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c3::50001fe1002709fd,0 array-ctrl connected unconfigured unknown
c3::50001fe1002709fd,1 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c3::50001fe1002709fd,2 disk connected unconfigured unknown
With Solaris 8 or 9, the O ccupant status will be displayed as above in a SAN environment. With
Solaris 10 (SPARC and x86), you will see a configured status.
2. For Solaris 8 and 9, use cfgadm -c configure c# command to congure the host to
access the storage system as shown in the example below. The value of # is gathered from the
output of the cfgadm -al previously executed.
# cfgadm -c configure c2
# cfgadm -c configure c3
3. Execute the cfgadm command to view congured d evices. After the conguration, the following
command will show the array controllers as congured:
# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 scsi-bus connected configured unknown
c0::dsk/c0t0d0 disk connected configured unknown
c0::dsk/c0t6d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown
c1 scsi-bus connected unconfigured unknown
c2 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c2::50001fe1002709f8 array-ctrl connected configured unknown
c2::50001fe1002709fc array-ctrl connected configured unknown
c3 fc-fabric connected configured unknown
c3::50001fe1002709f9 array-ctrl connected configured unknown
c3::50001fe1002709fd array-ctrl connected configured unknown