Rev. 1.0, 07/01, page 151 of 372
Section 12 Timer W
Timer W has a 16-bit timer having output compare and input capture functions. Timer W can
count external events and output pulses with an arbitrary duty cycle by compare match between
the timer counter and four general registers. Thus, it can be applied to various systems.
12.1 Features
Selection of five counter clock sources: four internal clocks (
/8) and an external
clock (external events can be counted)
Capability to process up to four pulse outputs or four pulse inputs
Four general registers:
Independently assignable output compare or input capture functions
Usable as two pairs of registers; one register of each pair operates as a buffer for the output
compare or input capture register
Four selectable operating modes :
Waveform output by compare match
Selection of 0 output, 1 output, or toggle output
Input capture function
Rising edge, falling edge, or both edges
Counter clearing function
Counters can be cleared by compare match
PWM mode
Up to three-phase PWM output can be provided with desired duty ratio.
Any initial timer output value can be set
Five interrupt sources
Four compare match/input capture interrupts and an overflow interrupt.
Table 12-1 summarizes the timer W functions, and figure 12-1 shows a block diagram of timer W.