24 Intel® Digital Set Top Box Display Driver
User’s Guide for Microsoft* Windows* CE 5.0
5.2 Configuration Changes
The following sections describe how to change the video.reg configuration file to accomplish some common
configuration changes.
5.2.1 Changing the TV Format to PAL-B
To change the TV format to PAL-B, do the following:
1. First, change the frame buffer to 720x576@50.
• Leave the width at 720
• Change the height setting to 576
o "Height"=dword:240
• Change the refresh setting to 50
o "Refresh"=dword:32
2. Next, change the TV format to PAL-B, which is dependent on the TV Encoder.
• On the Focus FS454 use:
o "TVFormat"=dword:2
• On the Conexant CX25892 use:
o "TV Format"=dword:4
5.2.2 Changing the TV Output Type to Component
To change the TV output type to Component, do the following:
• On the Focus FS454 use:
o "TVOutType"=dword:3
• On the Conexant CX25892 use:
o "TV Output"=dword:4
5.2.3 Enabling 3D Support
To enable 3D support, do the following:
• Enable 3D Support:
o “Enable 3D”=dword:1
• Load a 3D Module
o “3DModule”=”gdld3dm”