IP Media Server for HMP Demo Guide — July 2005 37
Demo Details
• Handles voice events and maintains
voice state machine(s)
Note: The public functions in this class
should only be accessed by the
classes inside the voice module.
Init( )
• Opens vox files
• Creates mailbox utility object that
manages mailboxes
Exit( )
• Closes vox files
• Deletes mailbox utility object that
manages mailboxes
ProcessEvent( )
• Processes voice events
Misc CMailBoxUtil
• Provides utility function to manage
Note: The public functions in this class
should only be accessed by the
classes inside the voice module
InitMailBoxes( )
• Initializes mailboxes
CheckAndConvertDigits( )
• Checks if the extension number is in
allowed range. If it is, converts it into an
GetMailBox( )
• Checks if the mailbox is ready to be used.
If it is, gets the mailbox.
CreateMailBoxFileName( )
• Creates a filename for the mailbox
FreeMailBox( )
• Frees the mailbox for future use
Table 8. Voice Module Classes (Continued)
Category Class Name Interface
Table 9. Fax Module Classes
Category Class Name Interface
Module CFaxModule
• Interacts with CFaxDevice.
• Exports Fax module functions to
Note: The public functions in this class can
be accessed by classes outside the
Fax module.
Init( )
• Creates fax device objects
Exit( )
• Deletes fax device objects
GetNumOfDevices( )
• Gets the number of fax resources
GetDeviceHandle( )
• Returns fax device handle
TSUserEventProcessEvent( )
• Processes fax events from the Global
Call library
ProcessEvent( )
• Processes the events from the other