
Commands Description
B5 F-SHUTTLE Shuttle play. The search speed is specified by sending the speed code data after
this command (see the table below).
B6 R-SHUTTLE Shuttle reverse play. The search speed is specified by sending the speed code data
after this command (see the table above).
C4 FULL EE ON Full EE mode ON
CA REC Record. Transmit this command after transmitting REC DUB REQUEST.
CB REC PAUSE Record pause. Transmit this command after transmitting REC DUB REQUEST.
CC A. DUB Audio dubbing. Transmit this command during playback after transmitting REC DUB
CD A. DUB PAUSE Audio dubbing pause. Transmit this command during audio dubbing after
transmitting REC DUB REQUEST.
E2 COUNTER RESET Counter reset
FA REC REQUEST Recording request (use with the recording-related command).
Information gathering (sense) commands
These commands are used to check the VCR operation conditions.
When a command requesting information is received by the VCR, data is returned in 1-byte packets corresponding to the
information requested. The number of bytes returned differs depending on the command.
Commands Description
72 ROM VERSION Use to check the RS-232C interface-related ROM version. 3-byte data is returned.
BE DATE SENSE Use to check the VCRs date data. The data is returned in order of month, day and
year. During playback, the time data on the tape is returned.
BF TIME SENSE Use to check the VCRs time data. The data is returned in order of hour, minute and
second. During play, the time data on the tape is returned.
D1 DEVICE TYPE Use to check the device type. D:44h, 6:36h, 0:30h, 0:30h
D4 TAPE REMAIN SENSE Use to check the tape remaining time. 3-byte data is returned showing the hour (ones
place) and minutes (tens place and ones place).
D5 SSF DATA SENSE Use to check the Super Scene Finder data.
D6 PREROLL TIME SENSE Use to check the preroll time. 2-byte data is returned showing the seconds (tens
place and ones place).
D7 STATUS SENSE Use to check the status. Refer to the contents of the STATUS SENSE.
D8 CURRENT TC SENSE Use to check the time code data. The data is returned in the order of hour, minute,
second and frame.
D9 CURRENT CTL SENSE Use to check the CTL data. The uppermost digit shows plus or minus.
DC CURRENT TC UB Use to check the user bits data. Data A from F is expressed with
SENSE ASCII code 41h to 46h.
DD JVC STATUS SENSE Use to check the status. Refer to JVC STATUS SENSE for details.
FB VTR IND Use to check the VCR connection.
Speed code table (corresponding speed)
Speed code Search speed
30h Still
31h 0.1
33h 0.2
34h 0.3
35h 1
36h 2
37h 5
38h 10
Setting (preset) commands
These commands activate various settings on the VCR. When a command is sent, the corresponding setting is activated.
Commands Description
E0 TC DATA PRESET Use to preset the time code data. To set, transmit the time data following this
command. Specify the time in order of hour, minute, second and frame, using two
digits for each item. When ENTER (40h) is transmitted before all digits have been
transmitted, the time code data can be specified by entering digits from the
uppermost digit.
Set the VCRs [REMOTE] switch to REMOTE.
E1 TC UB DATA PRESET Use to preset the user bits.
E6 PREROLL TIME Use to set the preroll time. Specify this by transmitting 2-byte data following this
PRESET command. First byte for ten place and second byte for one place.
E7 TIMER MODE SELECT Use to select the counter mode. Following this command, send data (1 byte)
corresponding to the counter mode.
8E DATE PRESET Use to set the date. Following this command, send 6-byte numeric data. Specify the
month, day and year in order with two digits for each.
8F TIME PRESET Use to set the date. Following this command, send 6-byte numeric data. Specify the
hour, minute and second in order with two digits for each.
High Low Counter mode