KVH Industries LF Satellite TV System User Manual

E.2 TracVision SF Sequences
E.2.1 System Connected to IRD Data
Standard Startup Sequence
KVH TracVision SF Rev X - Version X.XX - Serial Number XXXXXXXX
Limit Switch Test
Limit Switch Status: PASS-----------------PASS is expected
*** Initializing IRD ***
IRD STATUS: PASS DSS --------------------PASS is expected with successful IRD
Saved Sat Pos: EL = 33.4
*** Averaging Background Noise ***
+POS: 45.0 26.6 735
+POS: 57.9 20.0 1004
+POS: 232.0 20.0 812
+POS: 25.6 20.0 898
Average Noise Level = 957
Noise Threshold = 1781
Saved Sat Pos: EL = 33.4
*** Entering Search Mode 1 ***
+POS: 80.9 32.1 1217
+POS: 44.6 33.4 853
Satellite Found: AZ = 327.7, EL = 33.4, RF = 2476
+POS: 306.4 33.4 1020
*** Initializing Finetune ***-------------Peaking the satellite signal
+POS: 327.7 33.4 2827
+POS: 327.7 33.9 2717
Signal Peaked: AZ = 327.69, EL = 33.40, RF = 2822
+POS: 327.7 33.3 2751
+POS: 327.7 33.3 2741
*** Entering Satellite Check ***
+POS: 327.7 33.3 2756
Signal Detected = 82
+POS: 327.7 33.3 2727
Signal Detected = 81
+POS: 327.7 33.3 2731
+POS: 327.7 33.3 2713
Tracking DSS satellite at 101.5W
+POS: 327.7 33.3 2665
IRD Signal Quality = 79
+POS: 327.7 33.3 2708
Saved Sat Pos: AZ = 327.70, EL = 33.34
A Guide to TracVision LF/SF