LG Electronics 50PC5D Flat Panel Television User Manual

1100.. TTiinntt ((CCoommmmaanndd22::jj))
To adjust the screen tint.
You can also adjust tint in the Video menu.
Transmission [k][j][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Red : 0 ~ Green : 64
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’.
Acknowledgement [ j ][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1111.. SShhaarrppnneessss ((CCoommmmaanndd22::kk))
To adjust the screen sharpness.
You can also adjust sharpness in the Video menu.
Transmission [k][k][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 0 ~ Max: 64
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’.
Acknowledgement [k][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1122.. OOSSDD SSeelleecctt ((CCoommmmaanndd22::ll))
To select OSD (On Screen Display) on/off.
Transmission [k][l][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 0: OSD off Data 1: OSD on
Acknowledgement [l][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1133.. RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll LLoocckk MMooddee ((CCoommmmaanndd22::mm))
To lock the remote control and the front panel controls
on the set.
Transmission [k][m][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 0: Lock off Data 1: Lock on
Acknowledgement [m][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
If you’re not using the remote control and front panel
controls on the TV, use this mode. When main power is
on/off, remote control lock is released.
1144..TTrreebbllee ((CCoommmmaanndd22::rr))
To adjust treble.
You can also adjust treble in the Audio menu.
Transmission [k][r][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 0 ~ Max: 64(*transmit by Hexadecimal code)
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’.
Acknowledgement [r][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1155..BBaassss ((CCoommmmaanndd22::ss))
To adjust bass.
You can also adjust bass in the Audio menu.
Transmission [k][s][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 0 ~ Max: 64(*transmit by Hexadecimal code)
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’.
Acknowledgement [s][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1166.. BBaallaannccee ((CCoommmmaanndd22::tt))
To adjust balance.
You can also adjust balance in the Audio menu.
Transmission [k][t][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data Min: 0 ~ Max: 64(*transmit by Hexadecimal code)
*Refer to ‘Real data mapping’.
Acknowledgement [t][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1177.. CCoolloorr TTeemmppeerraattuurree ((CCoommmmaanndd22::uu))
To adjust color temperature.
You can also adjust color temperature in the Video
Transmission [k][u][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 0: Medium 1: Cool 2: Warm 3: User
Acknowledgement [u][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1188.. IISSMM MMeetthhoodd ((CCoommmmaanndd22::pp))
To avoid having a fixed image remain on screen.
(This feature is not available for all models.)
Transmission [ j ][p][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 1: Inversion 2: Orbiter
4: White Wash 8: Normal
Acknowledgement [p][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
1199.. LLooww PPoowweerr ((CCoommmmaanndd22::qq))
To control the low power function on/off.
(This feature is not available for all models.)
Transmission [ j ][q][ ][Set ID][ ][Data][Cr]
Data 0: Low power off 1: Low power on
Acknowledgement [q][ ][Set ID][ ][OK/NG][Data][x]
2200.. CChhaannnneell TTuunniinngg ((CCoommmmaanndd:: mm aa))
To tune channel to following physical/major/minor number.
Transmission [m][a][ ][Set ID][ ][Data0][ ][Data1]
[ ][Data2][ ][Data3][ ][Data4][ ][Data5][Cr]
Digital channels have a Physical, Major, and Minor channel
number. The Physical number is the actual digital channel num-
ber, the Major is the number that the channel should be
mapped to, and the Minor is the sub-channel. Since the ATSC
tuner automatically maps the channel to the Major number,
the Physical number is not required when sending a command.
Data 0: Physical Channel Number
NTSC air: 02~45, NTSC cable: 01, 0E~7D
ATSC air: 01~45, ATSC cable: 01~87
Data1 & 2: Major Channel Number
Data1: High byte Data2: Low byte
Two bytes are available for the Major and Minor, nor-
mally only the second byte is used.
Data3 & 4: Minor Channel Number
Not needed for NTSC.